by adminderact | Blog, Interviews, Monday Night Live, Negotiation, Vlog |
In this Monday Night Live interview, Derek Arden interviews Jane Gunn, a mediator, discussing various aspects of mediation and its evolution in the age of COVID-19. Jane’s impressive qualifications include FCI, FRSA, FPSA, CMC, IMI, and recognition in the...
by adminderact | Blog, Monday Night Live |
“Barefoot Mediator” Jane Gunn interviewed by “Win Win” Negotiator Derek Arden Derek is joined on Monday Night Live with Jane Gunn, President of the Royal Society for Mediators. Jane, a friend of Monday Night Live joins us again to update us on...
by adminderact | Blog, Monday Night Live |
10 Of Derek’s Monday Night Live Guests Offer Their Business and Life Tips. To kick off the show I have invited a fantastic number of guests and they have all said yes. All experts from the UK and the USA. Educators who know their subjects inside out. Never...
by adminderact | Blog, Body Language, Monday Night Live |
Dispute Mediation Discussed By Negotiator Derek Arden and Mediator Jane Gunn Negotiator Derek Arden and Mediator Jane Gunn – Discuss arbitration, mediation, litigation, adjudication and empowerment options for the parties involved in disputes. Jane has recently...
by adminderact | Blog, Interviews |
Derek Arden Introduces Business Guests 25 Business Expert Tips Alison Grose Every 30/40 minutes, take a deep breath, check posture. Exercise and fresh air every day. Graham Jones Technology – no excuse for can’t setting up: we have to get to grips with...