Negotiation and Influencing

As a practitioner of negotiating, a visiting lecturer at seven business schools and as a best selling author Derek brings a multitude of teaching, knowledge and skills to this subject. This means that a fast track programme will make you money, save you money faster than any other programme of its type. Whether you use Derek privately, in a masterclass or in a workshop.

“We met at the WiB Superconference almost 2 years ago.It’s funny, I took a copy of your book away that day, and have never had the chance to turn to page one. Last night with an internet outage in my house, and unable to read my usual blogs; I picked up Power Negotiation slightly pessimistic as I already try and negotiate all transactions and interactions and began reading. I couldn’t put it down. I had to eventually stop to get some sleep, but I wanted to drop you a message and say that you have written a great book. There’s a lot of stuff I feel I do naturally and it is great to know be aware of it so I can control it.  When I finish I will be sure to leave you a sparkling review on Amazon!” Matt Quinn  PwC

To book Derek to speak call this number now – 08450 574116

Negotiation and Influencing skills

Latest news – 150 accountants score Derek’s one hour educational Keynote 83% excellent – June 2013 Dudley, West Midlands

One hour Keynote Masterclass

Half day Seminar

Full day Masterclass

Individual Mentoring and Coaching

Learn how you can have more income, less costs and win win relationships?

The Negotiation Skills Masterclass is packed with insights, facts and wisdom to help you and your business be even more successful.

As a direct result of attending this course you will get practical ideas, tips and strategies that you can apply immediately. You will be better equipped, be more confident and greatly increase your chances of success. You will be able to influence and positively impact your customers and colleagues and even apply the learnings at home.

You will make more money and save more money and increase your personal confidence

If you want to accelerate your personal and professional development, increase your self esteem and build confidence, this is the course for you. It carries CPD points

Negotiation covers every aspect of interpersonal skills from how you handle people and how you handle conflict, to how you can get the best from your bottom line.

At the end of the sessions you will have learnt

  • The 7 key negotiation success factors
  • To create your own template for increasing your power and options in any negotiation
  • How to ensure you apply Win Win Win strategies in difficult times
  • How you should trade, haggle and bargain at anytime
  • The key elements of psychology that you need to understand for your results
  • The truth about reading body language
  • The secrets of negotiation tactics
  • How you can deal with conflict and difficult situations
  • To raise your impact and influence in all negotiation situations

and you will gain invaluable feedback, new strategies and a clear action plan

Derek has been coaching me on my brand, my positioning and my negotiations for over 8 years. I have just got a position at over a £100,000. University Professor (name available on request for verification).

Mr Negotiator – behind the scenes or up front Derek will provide the advice on strategy, tactics or discovering the truth when you have a negotiation which is important to your success.

“Derek Arden has vast of experience of Negotiating issues of staggering proportions. Derek has also provided fantastic assistance in helping Oxfam sort out their Financial Arrangements”. Philip Binns – Head of Procurement Oxfam

I attended the feedback session at the last module of  the NHS  North East Developing Talent Programme for aspiring Finance Directors last week and the feedback was fantastic. They loved your Masterclass and found it incredibly useful. Many thanks again for your valuable contribution and in making the programmes very successful and well respected. 25th February 2010 – Alison Myles – Learning and Development Director Healthcare Financial Management Association

“Derek is wholly unique in his ability to speak about and put across his vast expertise in negotiation in a delightful, entertaining, highly informative and engaging manner. His Masterclasses on the subject are legendary and equip each and every one of his delegates with negotiation tools they will never forget.” Roger Harrop  The CEO Expert

The Masterclass can include

  • Workbook
  • Book
  • CD